This page is aimed at social care professionals: social workers, supervising social workers, managers and IRO’s. It is also for other professionals such as health care professionals. We want to provide key advice and resources to help you to support children and young people with their learning. We also want to help you understand your role and that of the Virtual School so that we can continue to help you support children and young people with their education.
Social workers and managers: Please ensure you contact the Virtual School if you know that you are placing a child in care, or if you are intending to change their placement. We must be consulted on any proposed planned placement to ensure that it can meet the child or young person’s needs. We can help you and the carer to source a new school that will meet the needs of the young person.
If the school or foster carer contacts you to inform you that there are concerns or issues around progress, behaviour or attendance, again, please let us know so that we can support.
PEP’s must now be reviewed once every term. One of these reviews can sometimes be a Virtual PEP. Please see resources and guidance document for further details. Please ensure you liaise with our Virtual School staff who can support you with how to plan for a quality PEP and can attend the meeting with you.