
If you require further advice, please contact your officer:

Head of Virtual School and Inclusive Services
Eva Tabaton – 07849 309849/ 02089 212810

Deputy Head Teacher
Karen Francis – 07702 140562 / 02089 218066

Year 12 & 13, Overseeing Year 14 and Care Leavers

Laura Mountain – 07921 285949 / 02089 214501

Young People with an EHCP Year 12-13 (Senco)
Shelley Holland – 07561 116196 / 02089 215544

Assistant Head and Post 16
Andrea Fry – 07805 708071 / 02089 218036

Year 11 (incl EHCP)
Jodie Barrett – 07922 387269 / 02089 212864

Years 10 (incl EHCP)
Vicky Gladwin – 07714 073061 / 02089 218111

Years 3 to 6 (incl EHCP)
Robyn Griffiths – 07955 310309 / 02089 218098

EYFS up to Year 2 plus previously looked after children and Kinship
Donna Murphy – 07805 708079 / 02089 215280

PEP Quality Officer
Inderpreet Mattoo – 02089 214268

Anthea McCulloch – 02089 216918