Key Stage 2

In Key stage 2 children are encouraged to be more independent. Transition from KS1 to KS2 can be hard for some children due to changes that may happen: the length of the day, the pick- up and drop off procedures, break times and lunch times.

If you feel you child is struggling with learning or the transition into Key stage 2 talk to your child’s teacher as they will often be able to offer suggestions on how to support your child.

During years 3 and 4 they will be encouraged to be more independent around taking care of their possessions, changing their reading books and remembering to complete their homework on time. They will need to develop their listening and turn taking skills to enable them to work both independently and with peers.

You can support your child by guiding them on when to do their homework on the days that they have it. Some children like to do their homework as soon as they get home, while other like to have a little break and a snack first. 

Once the children have reached years 5 and 6 the expectation is that they will be more organised, taking responsibility for their own belongings and have a clearer understanding of the school day. They may be given whole school responsibility such as a prefect or monitor. These extra responsibilities are preparing them for life at secondary school.